Nineteen76 was the year I got my first skateboard, skateboarding changed my life and gave me direction and taught me to never give up and follow my dream, no matter what.
I remember seeing a skateboard the first time on John Cravens news round and I stopped and went wow, then shortly after a person a year older bought in a skateboard after school.
A fairly big crowd formed, and the lad let everyone ride it, me knowing that I was a year younger waited patiently till everyone had a go. I then asked and I was told to Fuck off..
The whole situation made me even more determined to get to ride a skateboard, no one was going to stop me. After pestering my parents and my Mum trying to put me off saying it would just be a 5 minute wonder… I bought a super flyer slalom from a sporting goods store.
The rest is history, I have been lucky enough to of been able to move to America, turn pro and transition into the business side.
I can truly say that skateboarding saved my life in a wreck with a juggernaut Friday April 12th in 1991. If it was not for be delivering skateboards to a shop in Northern California, I may well not be typing this.
This crash ended my pro career, I have been lucky enough to skate and become friends with some of the most iconic skaters from those years. I have also been lucky enough to be involved in some capacity with many many skateboard companies and meet so many great people along the way, truly #thankyouskateboarding.
thanks for taking the time to read this.
All the best
Steve Douglas